About Impossibly Creative Games

Bug Squashers – Demo

Bug Squashers is a platformer set in the digitized world inside computers. Mashing together two classics of the 80s and 90s, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Tron, our game stars Iggy, a familiar-looking dragon who builds and fixes websites in a unique way – by going into the digital world to squash bugs! Complete tasks, build projects for clients, and solve problems by directly tackling the game’s levels and ridding the code of those pesky bugs with classic run-and-jump gameplay.

Despite the retro aesthetic and limited buttons of NES hardware, Bug Squashers will feature more than bouncing off the heads of cybernetic creepy-crawlies. The platforming genre has evolved *a bit* in the 40 years since the NES first came to the United States and we are bringing some of those enhanced movement abilities like air dashes and wall jumps along with trickier platforming to the classic console.


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