WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 20]
distinct p.ID,
(select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='project_status') as project_status,
(SELECT (ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) as rating
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 20]
distinct p.ID,
(select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='project_status') as project_status,
(SELECT (ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) as rating
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 20
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 8]SELECT
ceil(count(DISTINCT p.ID) / 20) as max_num_pages
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
Warning: Attempt to read property "max_num_pages" on null in /home/theretro/public_html/wp-content/themes/retroverse2/single-special-events.php on line 124
Byte-Off IV
Register here for the Byte-Off 4. Please use the email associated with your Retroverse account. We will use this to communicate important information about the event.