WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 20]
distinct p.ID,
(select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='project_status') as project_status,
(SELECT (ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) as rating
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 20]
distinct p.ID,
(select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='project_status') as project_status,
(SELECT (ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) as rating
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 20
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_t...' at line 8]SELECT
ceil(count(DISTINCT p.ID) / 20) as max_num_pages
FROM wph4_posts p
LEFT join wph4_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
LEFT join wph4_postmeta pm
ON p.ID = pm.post_id
where p.ID in ()
and tr.term_taxonomy_id in (select term_id FROM wph4_term_taxonomy WHERE parent=27)
AND (select pm.meta_value FROM wph4_postmeta pm where pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='privacy_setting') = 'public'
and (SELECT floor(ifnull(((ifnull(sum(value),0) / count(value) * 2)/2),0)) as rating from wph4_wpforms_entry_fields WHERE entry_id in (
SELECT entry_id
FROM wph4_wpforms_entries
form_id in (4828,4856) and
fields REGEXP '"name":"Game ID"' and
fields REGEXP CONCAT('"value":"', p.ID, '"') and
) and field_id = 1) in ('0','1','2','3','4','5')
Warning: Attempt to read property "max_num_pages" on null in /home/theretro/public_html/wp-content/themes/retroverse2/single-special-events.php on line 124
Troll Takeover
Some of you despicable morons have been curious what’s next for NESmaker. We trolls are overjoyed to share what we have in store. Sign up here on The Retroverse to get the latest updates, and join us for this devastating streaming event to be the first to learn what’s in this exciting update of impending doom.